We mentioned the historical practice of baking bread with the barm from the pot. Another thing you can do is use the grains leftover after you brewed, called “spent grains,” to make a lovely bread.

Baking with barm is a bit of a novelty, we will admit. After all, you can pick up yeast at the store pretty much 24/7. But we’ve enjoyed the flavor and texture of spent grains in bread for quite some time. When you make your braggot, give it a try.

Shelley’s bread baking is a bit of an inexact science. She starts with a cup of spent grains, 3/4 cup of water, the scoop of barm, a dollop of honey or sugar (about 2 tablespoons), 2 teaspoons of salt, an egg, 1 cup of wheat flour and white flour to make a satisfactory dough.

Let rise, shape, bake at 375 for 25-30 minutes…

This loaf probably would have benefited from an extra tablespoon or so of gluten to balance the grains and wheat flour–Shelley feels the crumb’s a little big–but it suits perfectly for a bowl of soup.